Understanding the Role of Green Organization Culture and Innovation between Green HRM Practices and Environmental Performance of SMEs in
Saudi Arabia


Megren Abdullah Altassan

This study aims to explore the importance of Green Human HRM Practices, Green Organizational Culture, Green Innovation, and their impact on Environmental Performance, specifically for SMEs in Saudi Arabia. Additionally, the objective is to evaluate the mediating role of a green organizational culture in this connection and its ultimate influence on organizational environmental performance. The comprehensive assessment of the collective effect of these constructs on Ecological Performance within a holistic model has not been previously undertaken. Hence, this study gains additional importance by assessing green organizational culture’s mediation role in the relationship between Green HRM Practices and the organization’s Environmental Performance. The study reveals that Green Organizational Culture mediates Green human resource functions and creative preservation called green innovation, emphasizing the impact of values in driving sustainability efforts. These findings support RBV theory, highlighting the importance of these factors in enhancing environmental outcomes. This study was conducted in the context of Small and Mediumsized Enterprises (SMEs) in Saudi Arabia. A total of 291 usable responses were obtained through a self-administered questionnaire. The participants were chosen through the utilization of a cluster sampling methodology. The results of this study confirm the significance of Green HRM and Green Innovation in assessing the Performance of SMEs in Saudi Arabia concerning environmental preservation. The research framework was founded on RBV theory, which builds study’s underpinning theory and has been confirmed within the study’s specific context. SMEs in Saudi Arabia can actively advance environmental sustainability and achieve enhanced organizational performance by using these practical steps. Nonetheless, it is crucial to account for additional cultural, demographic, and governmental factors in future research to understand their impact on the subject thoroughly. This will provide valuable insights for future implications.


Keywords:Green HRM, Green organizational culture, Green innovation, Environmental performance, Resource-Based View (RBV) theory

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