Evaluating English Language Teachers’ Practices Using Concept Mapping Strategy in Saudi Intermediate Schools


Ahmad Abdullah Alomaireeni

The current research aims to determine how English language teachers employ a concept mapping strategy while teaching intermediate-stage students in the Al-Qassim region. It also examines whether statistically significant differences exist in their responses regarding the level of implementation of the concept mapping strategy in teaching the English language. These differences are analyzed concerning the variables of gender and job rank. The study was conducted on a sample of 75 English language teachers in the intermediate stage in the Al-Qassim region, including 30 male teachers and 45 female teachers, selected through purposive sampling. The research findings indicate that both male and female English language teachers in the Al-Qassim region employ the concept mapping strategy to a high degree. There were no statistically significant differences between the average scores of the male and female groups of English language teachers. However, English language teachers who held the 'expert teacher' rank were found to use the concept mapping strategy more than their counterparts. The findings suggest numerous practical implications, which could prove crucial for English language teachers, students, and policymakers in the Saudi context.


Keywords:Concept mapping strategy, English language subject, Intermediate stage, Language teaching technique

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