International Judicial and Cross-Border Cooperation to Combat Human Trafficking: Analysis of UAE Legislation in Accordance with Global Practice


Moussa Ahmed Fekry
Ibrahim Suleiman Al Qatawneh
Jamal Barafi
Moustafa Elmetwaly Kandeel
Maher Haswa

Human trafficking, a pervasive form of modern-day slavery, victimizes millions globally, particularly affecting those living in extreme poverty and social vulnerability. This research explores the imperative role of international judicial cooperation in combating human trafficking, focusing on the legislative framework in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Emphasizing the rising complexity of trafficking networks, the study employs a comprehensive political and legal analysis, comparing UAE legislation with global practices. The research delves into the evolution of organized crime, assessing global regulations and national acts in the UAE and Egypt. Utilize descriptive and analytical methods to evaluate cues, procedures, and legislative alignments for international judicial cooperation. Three key questions guide the study: (1) policies and procedures for international judicial cooperation; (2) international and regional conventions fostering collaboration; and (3) the UAE's perspective on human trafficking legislation compared to other Arab countries. The study identifies challenges with comprehensive coverage and data accessibility. By uncovering significant findings that underscore the role of international agreements in diminishing trafficking, this paper highlights the alignment of the UAE's legislative framework with the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, emphasizing advocacy for international cooperation. However, critical insights yield recommendations, urging the UAE to reorganize cooperation on fund seizure and disposal prevention. Legislative amendments, including extradition or trial clauses, are proposed to enhance international judicial cooperation, ensuring accountability and combating human trafficking effectively.


Keywords:Human trafficking, International judicial, Cross-border cooperation, UAE legislation, Global practice

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